Saturday, December 01, 2012

Leena Palande - Raise DHEA Levels Naturally

  • Enjoy outdoor activities, leisurely walk, etc. at list for an hour every day. Join a laughter club. Laughing out loudly helps lower the stress. It promotes release of essential hormones. Enjoying sex also helps raise the levels of the master hormone.
  • Lack of physical activity and DHEA deficiency go hand in hand. Regular exercise plays an important role in increasing DHEA production in the body. Exercise has other benefits as well.
  • Low calorie diet helps increase the levels of DHEA. Such diet also plays an important role in maintaining the weight. It promotes longer life expectancy.
  • Diet that is rich in animal fat can lower DHEA levels. Those who are obese are likely to suffer from scarcity of DHEA. It has been observed that restricted intake of carbohydrates and fats helps raise blood DHEA. You should include complex carbs (fruits and vegetables) and good fat (lean chicken, fish, olive oil, canola oil, etc.) in your diet. A diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids can increase the levels of this hormone significantly.
  • Since stress suppresses DHEA levels, it is necessary to lead a stress-free life. Practicing yoga and meditation helps relieve stress.
  • Sufficient rest or sufficient sleep is necessary for proper functioning of the adrenal glands that produce DHEA. Overwork or late nights can cause dysfunction of adrenal glands.
  • Read more at Buzzle: