Sunday, August 25, 2019

Verdict : Wall Street Journal's Research Not Up to Its Usual Standards :( is what got me started..

I absolutely want this thing - but, you know that feeling - if it sounds too good to be true...….

Anyhow, first, a Google search for "high cash value low commission dividend paying whole life insurance" - zilch - you know those Motley Fool banner ads that proclaim the next big stock winner - and you follow that lead and you go nowhere - they just want you to sign up..

Try as hard as I might, I cannot find the name of a single insurance company I need to sign up with to realize these miracle returns.. (Ponzi scheme?)

But, this one mentioned Lafayette Life : :

Eventually, I was able to run my own numbers in evaluating Bank of Yourself's offer. The bottom line: In repaying the $30,000 I borrowed to finance my purchases, I paid an additional $12,000 to Lafayette Life. But 12 years into the policy I had only an additional $8,759 guaranteed, which, depending on Lafayette Life's returns, could be as high as $9,832. In other words, I would've forked out an additional $12,000 to the insurance company, only to have less money years later around the time I expected to draw on the policy for my retirement. In other words, I would be out even more than 30 grand.

To ensure my analysis was correct, I sent my numbers to the Bank on Yourself agent. Unfortunately, I could get no confirmation of my findings, and he eventually stopped responding to my questions. Next, I approached Pamela Yellen herself, and she disagreed with my numbers. In an email exchange, Yellen said I was taking her "get every penny back" pledge -- which is sprinkled throughout the book's early chapters -- too literally, suggesting that it is used chiefly to contrast her financial planning method with other approaches. She also pointed to the book's repeated acknowledgement that Bank on Yourself is not a magic bullet.

Underwhelmed by Mark Levinson - Sorry :)

Sorry Mark, but it's just no good.. You ain't no Stunme Kubrick.

Speaking of Particle Fever that is.... just no kick to it.

Just goes to show how difficult it is to make a story out of something like this.

But, what if...

you had put in ten minutes of history where you actually mentioned Planck and Einstein and Heisenberg and Schroedinger and Weinberg, Feynmen, et al said how they had each contributed to the story. And how about mentioning one of the past particle hunts? Say the neutrino? What if you had talked about something that we take for granted today that actually depends on people having worked to develop the standard model?

Sorry, just no good. Two stars at best..

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Converting ipynb to python script

 Okay, this guy's stuff is old - too old :

And fairly useless too, because he doesn't tell you you need to do

$ > python3 -m IPython nbconvert --to python name.ipynb

When you do that, python warns you and suggests using jupyter nbconvert (same arguments)

That actually works - and you also get the markdown as comments. If you'd rather not, then, there's :

Sunday, August 04, 2019

Three Simple Enhancements to a Better AirBnB for All

Years and years and still not there... I want to find a place with a private bathroom!!

When will they get it? Far as I know, there is still no filter that you can use to narrow down your search for this.

Another thing they just don't get:

If you host a person and that person subsequently submits a request to book, that person should automatically lose the right to submit a review for that stay - else, if you come up with an excuse to deny that person, he/she may take it the wrong way and retaliate in her/his review!

Hosts need to be able to prevent people from submitting a request to book a new stay while they're in the middle of an existing stay.

Hosts need to be able to give guests options prior to booking Eg. Add a bathrobe? [y/N] (+$12 for entire stay)

Now, That's What I Call Genius

ISRO is nothing. Until India produces something like this, any argument is mute.. Congratulations Kokichi Sugihara-san. You have done Yamato proud.

Meet the man himself :

FYI, above graphic created using Flaming Text's "Magic" font. If you know what font this is, please comment.

Saturday, August 03, 2019

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts - Why Is This So Complicated? Thank You M$!

Nuts! The shortcut defined in a particular workbook should be active when that workbook is active!!!

A vain attempt by Allen Wyatt :

Coming soon...

Michel Revel : What It Takes to Save the World from MS

To get a large enough supply of the interferon the team decided to use readily available young human tissue – foreskins from circumcised babies. At first the Jewish ritual circumcisers refused to let the scientists have the foreskins, which are normally buried, but a member of the group, Dr Dalia Gurari, happened to be the niece of the leader of a large Hassidic sect – the Lubavitcher Rebbe – and soon the lab had a steady supply to work with. Foreskin cell cultures turned out to be instrumental in the search for the Interferon beta gene.

Nicholas Pilkington Phd Cantab - The Levitating Brain

@DroneDeploy :

Aside : have America's idiots in the Pentagon learnt anything from the FAANGS? Don't give the product - even to your allies; sell the service!!

A Chinese engineer at Microchip once told me that they got American military hardware from the Eastern Europeans. The Americans would see to the French. The French to the EE's and they, in turn, to the Chinese. The cost would be 4x - but, once you have it, you have it. Right?