Monday, September 30, 2019

Paul Kelly : Make Thy VBA More Readable Matey

  1. Use Option Explicit to force thyself to declare variables and prevent 
         total = totol + 50 ' which would run fine otherwise
  2. Declare variables just prior to using them for the first time - makes it easy, when reading the code to figure out why they enter the picture
  3. Indent your code. Even Do Knuth agrees with this one
  4. Use enumerated data type variables to eliminate magic constants - you basically give things names and, as Patrick Winston says, when you name things, you get power over them
  5. DRY! Don't repeat yourself. Use modules to keep your code manageable. Make changes in one place!

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The 15 Books that All Programmers Must..

Num Title Authors AMZN Rating (5 max) Innards
1 The Pragmatic Programmer   Andrew Hunt, David Thomas  4.5 Don’t  get married to anything; pay attention to what you're doing and try to do it better; experience --> confidence. Adopt early; Be inquisitive; Be a critical thinker; Be realistic; Be a Jack of aT; Care about your craft and think about your work!
Build your K portfolio - good ideas - invest regularly!
2 The Art of Computer Programming   Donald Knuth  4.4  really, when will you finish if you start?
3 Don't Make Me Think   Steve Krug  4.5  about usability
4 Coders at Work   Peter Siebel  55  interviews with famous coders
5 The Mythical Man Month   Frederick Brooks 66 About project management
6 Code Complete   Steve McConnell 77 Aaaa
7 Cracking the Coding Interview   Gayle Laakmann McDowell 88 bbbb
8 Soft Skills : THe Software Developer's Life Manual   John Sonmez 99 cccc
9 Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance   Robert Pirsig 111 dddd
10 Clean Code   Robert C. Martin 222 eeee
11 Continuous Delivery   Jez Humble, David Farley 333 ffff
12 Working Effectively with Legacy Code   Michael C. Feathers 444 gggg
13 Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software   Charles Petzold 555 hhhh
14 Programming Pearls   John Bentley 666 iiii
15 Introduction to Algorithms   CLRS 777 jjjj

Bronnie Ware (Ozzie) : Top Five Regrets of the Dying

I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me
I wish I hadn't worked so hard
I wish I'd had the courage to express my feelings
I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends
I wish I'd let myself be happier (i.e., happiness is a choice)

From an Australian palliative care nurse who got to know a few folks during the last 12 weeks of their lives.

I heard about this one in Kai Fu Lee's "AI Superpowers"

The Genius of Moishe Lettvin (Google --> Etsy)

Hint : Buy ETSY :)

This guy was on a hiring review committee - that is, one team interviews a candidate, writes up a case for hiring her and sends a packet to HR which then distributes the packet to a hiring committee.

One week, this committee that Moishe (not a Talpiot BTW) was on (and known to be very tough) got the usual 8-10 packets and they rejected all of them. Then, HR told them - guess what guys, these are *your* hiring packets - from when you guys interviewed at Google - so you basically rejected yourselves.

How cool is that? :)

Sunday, September 08, 2019

A Real Life Freaking Idiot : Rose Mary Walls

OMG is all I can say. But, how do you describe such a one? Well, Jeannette Walls has done a pretty good job in "The Glass Castle".

And the Dad! What another freaking genidiot! He asks her what she wants for her birthday and she says "quit the booze" (nicely of course :) and he tries. And fails, of course. Later, to keep her from moving to NY, he shows her his plans for completing the "glass castle" - a house he was planning to build (never mind that he never had a steady job in that place and was hooched all the time). But, this time round, though she's more grown up, it doesn't strike her to ask "Dad, do you think that's what I want, or do you know what I really want?"

A few snippets to demonstrate the workings of the mind of a freaking idiot :

Mom, the neighbors use fly paper and they don't have flies or lizards. We should get some from the grocery stores. ….. No. If we kill the flies then the lizards won't have anything to eat and if the lizards die, then the cats and birds won't have anything to eat.

School administers a eye exam and says Lori will need prescription glasses to correct her vision to be admitted...…   Nosiree. If her eyesight is bad, it just means she needs to exercise her eyes more.

Moving from Phoenix to W. Virginia (Welch) (after the freaking idiot squanders her *entire* inheritance - for a while they actually lived okay) : what should we do with the house - sell it or rent it? …… Neither. It's our house and it can stay our house. We'll just leave dishes in the sink and hang out the laundry so people will think it's occupied...……  Of course, months later, the house is completely gutted. Literally everything gone. Idiot!!!!

Splashing in the pool at the Phoenix Public Library and gathering a crowd.... "Mind your own beeswax"

"You know you're down and out when the Okies are laughing at you"..... (after they have to rope down the hood of their car when their driving cross country and have garbage bags in place of the windows when they stop rolling up)

… Mom had a powerful sweet tooth - putting at least eight teaspoons of sugar in a cup of tea.... Well, you figured the Dad is a nutcase too... he's gotten a hole dug for the foundation of the glass castle and, till he's ready to pour concrete, they use it as a garbage dump - which, of course, fills up pretty quick, and, yes, attracts a huge river rat. Since Mom needs so much sugar, an ordinary sugar bowl won't do - no sir, it needs to be a punch bowl. Well, one day, the rat is wallowing in it and, later that day, after it's terrorized the littlest kid, the part-Russell-terrier-mutt that's befriended the boy kills the rat. Mom felt sorry for the rat. "Rats need to eat too." And christens it "Rufus." Idiot!!!!!!

As a schoolteacher in Welch, her kids had to help her grade the students' homework, because they knew how much her paycheck was worth to them in food. Eventually, she refuses to get out of bed - though for months and months, they've been getting her ready for school - yes, kids getting the mom ready for work - "I'm a grown woman. So why cant' I do what I _want_ to do?"

Once when Brian finds a ring in the house - and they figure out it is silver and diamond. She gets is appraised and, mom, if we sell it, we could buy a lot of food..... "That's true, but it could also improve my self-esteem and at times like these, self-esteem is more important than food."

And, boy does Jeannette have one of those Maria Shriver lapses in failing to ask the right question! As in - Maria had asked Arnold if Joseph was his son and Arnold denied it because he didn't know Joseph was his son. Really? Should the right answer (never mind the question) be "no, because I never had sex with his mother"? Why couldn't Maria have confirmed that? Duh. Likewise, in this case, the right question was "Mom, how do you know Uncle Jim's land is worth a million dollars?" Idiot!!!! "We need to buy Uncle Jim's land to keep it in the family for sentimental reasons. You never sell that land."

Later, they're homeless and squatting and scavenging, etc and Jeannette brings up the house in Phoenix..... "I'm saving that for a rainy day."  ….. "Mom, it's pouring." ……. "It's just a drizzle. There could be monsoons ahead."  Idiot!!!!!!

Amit Lodha : Catching Al Capone

"The harder you work, the luckier you get"

"Imagine the irony, this criminal, the right-hand henchman of the most dangerous criminal in Bihar, is telling his wife to get his kids to study hard and read the Times of India everyday so that they grow up to become SPs (Superintendents of Police)"

Jeez, is that place still so screwed up that these bums who've committee so many murders are still alive and only serving life imprisonment?

Now, that's Genius! Mike Pearce's Bioinspired Architectural Marvels

How is it we haven't embraced this stuff in this country?

FYI, the termites need the temperature regulation to grow the fungus that they then eat.

Saturday, September 07, 2019

Safe, but for How Long?

As Google puts it, your default search engine is Google and suddenly, it's not. You might have malware.

Yes, that dreaded stuff that comes out of unit 8200 that's mostly used to catch the bad guys, but, as Rabbi Kushner says, sometimes bad things happen to good people.

Luckily, under Settings > Advanced, Chrome gives you tool to check your computer for harmful files.

Mercifully :

No harmful software found

Julian Treasure : Speak So They'll Want to Listen

Avoid Use Tools Warm Up
Gossip H : honesty Register - use chest, not throat 1. Arms up, deep breath, sigh out
Judgement A : authenticity Timbre - you may need to train (breath, posture) with a voice coach 2. Warm up lips with "bock" without the "ck"
Negativity I : integrity Prosody - (avoiding) 3. Raspberries
Complaints L : love Haste - (avoid) 4. Tongue, with exaggerated "la la…"
Excuses Silence -  5. Roll the "r"
Lies Pitch 6. Siren - starts with low tone and gets to eeee
Dogmatism Volume