Friday, July 25, 2014

The Big Book of Lumosity Tricks

There underperformance and then, there's indiaperformance.

What can explain India's mediocrity? Do you think that a martial law style government like China would make a difference in showings at competitions?

What's missing?

Enough ranting. If you've read this far, you're entitled to these tips that have worked for me. BTW, there's a 60 year old woman out there who's topped about 250k in Penguin Pursuit.

These aren't "lumosity" tricks - they're in the spirit of "how to be brilliant every day." I just happen to notice when playing..

1) Get plenty of sleep - or, quality sleep. If you're a guy, you might wonder why you get better scores after a wet dream - it's because testosterone boosts spatial processing.
2) Do them relaxation exerises. Do one..
3) Eat a healthy breakfast - no refined sugar. Some protein.
4) Shower, do another relaxation exercise.
5) Do some rhythmic breathing - in-4, out-6, hold-2
6) Meditate for a few minutes.

See if you can't crack level 24 of PP this way:) And 57 trains in tot.

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