Monday, December 29, 2014

What Advice for the Man Who'd Like to Destroy Cadence?

Isn't it sad to see someone who doesn't know they're shooting themselves in the foot?

A man has been working and working and working.
The product hasn't been selling or selling or selling.
Anyone using it locally? No.
Michael Gerber asks : Are you working on your business or in your business? Ans : F off.

Can you sell a product without finding out what your customers want?
We won't do that - customers want cadence. We're not Cadence.

But, it wouldn't hurt to find out what customers want and what they're upset about and give them something that's great. Consider :

Dual monitor support? Nah - just buy one giant monitor
Bindkeys? Do we log commands to a logfile so that users can collect them up into a macro to do bindkeys? Hmmm..

Symbol editing is horrible - need to fix. Can select portions of shapes to drag, can position pin names relative to pins, etc.. No wonder Cadence needs a staff of thousands..
Can we have options in command mode - like CDNS - when you're placing an instance, give user a way to flip/rotate/etc..?
Routing - provide an autoroute feature like Cadence does for wire routing in Schematics.
When you edit properties on an instance, it gets deselected. Man, this is after so many years of development. Just goes to show - if you don't have a customer driving your schedule, you'll keep on working on your product.. (when what you SHOULD do, read the E-Myth, is work on your business - the HOW, not the WHAT)
Need a better User Experience for notifying of invalid property values - don't just prevent - use a pop up to explain. No harm being like Cadence.
Delete/Undo/Redo : R doesn't exist and DEL key isn't working most of the time.
Drop the "any colour as long as it's black" - that's not going to get you in the door. Find out what customers want. If you have to have dummies, then put them in at the end after you do your final placement prior to routing.
Nasty bug with respect to device resizing - the layout drives the schematic in a totally unreasonable way. I couldn't understand it - on the one hand, we're talking about a 28 nm process. On the other, we want W to be more that 1.6 um. What giveth?

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