Thursday, May 04, 2017

Microsoft Excel : How to Put Thumbs Up Down Symbols

Does it involve conditional formatting?  YES

Is this super easy? NO - it's EASY but not SUPER easy - you unfortunately have to jump through a couple of hoops. You would think they would have included Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down in their Icon Sets, but, that's M$ for you :)


1. The column of interest - you will have to enter capital C where you want the Thumps Up, Capital D for Thumbs Down - no way around this.

2. In the top-most cell, enter a C and change the font from the default to Wingdings. You'll see the C change to a Thumps Up.

3. Make it bold and Green font if you wish and change the font size if you wish. Done? Drag through all rows

4. Now, with all rows of this column selected, assuming the top-most (not header) cell is E3, go to Conditional Formatting and choose New Rule

5. Now, enter this formula (adjust the E3 to what it needs to be in your case - the coordinates of the top-most data cell in your table)

6. Set the Format to what you need - probably Red since Green would be for Thumbs Up.

That's it, enjoy..

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