Sunday, January 20, 2019

William Lidwell : Heuristics for Great Design

Adopt Shun In Practice
Elegant Simplicity Conspicuous Featurism Simplicity plays a major role in aesthetics.  Tastes envolve with time. (Raymond Lowey)
Inside-Out Craftsmanship Bait-and-Switch Craftsmanship Craftmanship matters. Out of sight is no excuse. (Steve Jobs)
Embrace Failure Fearing Failure Failing in enevitable. Fail fast and Learn Quick. (Paul MacCready)
Never leave well enough alone If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Make continous improvements.  Tastes and aesthetics preferences are constantly changing.
Reframing Accepting Problems Don't accept the constrants.  Abstract the problem and use the "Five Whys" technique ( asking youself why five times).
Customer Doesn't Know What's Right Customer Is Always Right Make it right for the customer.  The customer may not have the technical understanding of what is possible. Customer needs and world of possiblities.
Analogical Insights Analytical Thinking Some great innovaations are born from analogies.  Think about analogies all day long.
Eat Your Own Dog Food Observe Dogs Eating Food Use your own product in real context to see if it works.
First Principles Fashion Trends Follow first principles, ie. nature, over trends.
Be a Zealous Missionary Indifferent Mercenaries Overcome not being comfortable talking to a crowd of people.  Realize it's a required skill to pitch and persuade.

Why would you want these effects? If you put these in your page, then, the page becomes amenable to being used in a presentation. Ever noticed, during a presentation that the mouse pointer by itself just doesn't cut it?

<style type="text/css">
   td {
      text-align:center !important;

   td:hover {
     background-color:yellow !important;

What this is showing is how to override the style in the table that you paste into blogger. Why? Coz the OS doesn't know exactly what you want - or can't do it perfectly. In this case, even the Excel table did have the text centered in every cell, but that's not how it was after pasting into blogger :( Either Windows or Chrome or Blogger messed up somewhere along the way. But, using CSS and !important, you can override the inline (messy) style specification.

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