Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Did You K? PDF is an Open Standard! Manipulate PDFs with python - tutorial


pyPDF2 - that's hot stuff!
  1. Introduction
  2. pyPDF2 History, an Alternative and Installation
  3. Metadata Extraction and Rotating Pages
  4. Merging and Splitting PDFs
  5. Adding Watermarks and Encrypting PDFs
  6. Conclusion and Further Reading
Alternatives to pyPDF2 (Phasit) - pdfrw by Patrick Maupin (good with ReportLab, but no encryption).

Actually, this tutorial is members only :(

How would you add links in a PDF : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28796832/add-links-in-pdf

But, Al Sweigart, on the advice of Alan Dershowitz, has made his Udemy companion (to the book) is free in March - just log out of Udemy, go to his website and then click on the link, and you'll see it's free.. click on buy and checkout, it's $0.

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