Saturday, July 04, 2020

Eilene Zimmerman Says It

Make your collar burn, don't it? :)

New York Times : What Makes Some People More Resilient Than Others..

The most significant determinant of resilience — noted in nearly every review or study of resilience in the last 50 years — is the quality of our close personal relationships, especially with parents and primary caregivers. Early attachments to parents play a crucial, lifelong role in human adaptation.

“How loved you felt as a child is a great predictor of how you manage all kinds of difficult situations later in life,” said Bessel van der Kolk, a professor of psychiatry at Boston University School of Medicine who has been researching post-traumatic stress since the 1970s. He is the founder of the Trauma Research Foundation in Boston.

Outlook Positive, Realistic Outlook. They don’t dwell on negative information and instead look for opportunities in bleak situations, striving to find the positive within the negative.
Moral Compass They have a moral compass. Highly resilient people have a solid sense of what they consider right and wrong, and it tends to guide their decisions.
Belief They have a belief in something greater than themselves. This is often found through religious or spiritual practices. The community support that comes from being part of a religion also enhances resilience.
Altruism They are altruistic; they have a concern for others and a degree of selflessness. They are often dedicated to causes they find meaningful and that give them a sense of purpose.
Acceptance They accept what they cannot change and focus energy on what they can change. Dr. Southwick says resilient people reappraise a difficult situation and look for meaningful opportunities within it.
Mission They have a mission, a meaning, a purpose. Feeling committed to a meaningful mission in life gives them courage and strength.
Social Support System They have a social support system, and they support others. “Very few resilient people,” said Dr. Southwick, “go it alone.”

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