Saturday, April 01, 2023

Open Source Robotic Process Automation

What options do you have?
  1. Robot Framework: generic test automation framework started by Pekka Klarck that can also be used for RPA. It provides a keyword-driven approach for creating automation tasks.
  2. UiPath Community Edition: one of the most popular RPA platforms, and they offer a free Community Edition for individual and non-commercial use. It provides a drag-and-drop interface for creating automation workflows.
  3. Automation Anywhere Community Edition: offers a free Community Edition for non-commercial use. It provides a web-based platform for creating and managing automation tasks.
  4. OpenRPA: An open source RPA platform that allows users to automate repetitive tasks using a visual workflow builder. It supports various technologies and platforms, and can be integrated with other tools and systems.
  5. TagUI: a community-developed (Singapore, Govt. funded) FOSS RPA tool that uses natural language syntax to create automation tasks. It supports various platforms and technologies, and can be run from the command line or integrated with other tools and systems. The have an online course : and, here's Anders Jensen taking the course in real-time on YouTube with help from Ken, one of the developers of the course :

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