Tuesday, December 26, 2023

How You Can Go from Prison and Skid Row to MIT - Daniel Dart's One In a Million Story


Great work by Rick Newman.

During the last 10 years, Daniel Dart has assembled an elite network of contacts and supporters that completely transcend his troubled beginnings. He asks successful people to mentor him and makes sure to keep in touch. I reached out to some of those supporters.

Street cred has value, too. “He has an incredible adaptability,” says Johan Bjurman Bergman, who worked with Dart for several months on the Saudi project. “He can go to Skid Row and start a conversation with somebody who’s been homeless for 10 years, then he works his way into the rooms where you’ve met him.” Like seemingly everybody, Bergman met Dart at a conference, where he stood out among the business-casual crowd thanks to his signature beanie and tattoos.

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