Thursday, July 11, 2024

You Want Excellence - Start with Juran's Quality Handbook

From the master himself, who lived to be 103! Quoting Richard Koch : 

One of the great heroes of the last century — although with good reason, more honored in Japan than in the United States, the land of his adoption — was Joseph Moses Juran. More than anyone else, Juran pioneered the quality revolution that made the second half of the twentieth century a time of unprecedented, and increasingly global, advances in the quality of consumer products from cars to computers.

Juran made little headway in America in the two years after he published his great work. But his 1953 lectures in Japan caused a sensation. He stayed on to work with several major Japanese corporations, causing them to approach, then to catch up, and finally to exceed the best American quality standards. It was only in the 19705 and 19805, when Japanese competition rnenaced Europe and America, that Juran and his movement were taken seriously in the West.

Start here :

They're so nice, they even let you download them:

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