Saturday, August 01, 2020

Stephen Covey Was an Idiot. Wait! Hear Me Out!

Why? Because he made it complicated.

Sure, you can take on these sophisticated behaviours and learn to "synergize" and watch the people who've grown up on sports teams make it look easy.

Or, you can look at what you're already doing and see what you can give up.

Which is easier for the hundreds of millions of people in the world who have neither the time, the access or the energy to read or grow?

If you wanted to transform your country by putting up habits posters in the buses and train stations, would you have stuff like

Think Win Win
Seek to Understand before You Seek to Be Understood

which means the people who already don't want to spend the energy thinking are going to have to think about what these mean, or would you rather have stuff like

The Seven Habits of Highly Ineffective People


Think about it Kim Jong None!

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