Friday, January 03, 2025

Paul Chin and Eldad Eilam - Your Reverse Engineering Gurus

What Paul teaches in his Udemy course

By the end of this course, you will be equipped with the basic knowledge to understand dis-assembled code and be able to modify exe files, to insert new instructions and inject new functionality to any exe files. (using x64dbg)

  1. Assembly Language Basics
  2. Reverse Engineering
  3. x64dbg Debugging Basics
  4. Modifying exe files
  5. Hollowing out an exe file and inserting new code
  6. CPU and Flag Registers
  7. Arithmetic Operations
  8. Accessing Main Memory (RAM)
  9. The Stack
  10. Function Calls
  11. Code Caves (unused space that can be used later without increasing size of the binary)
  12. Jumps
  13. Structured Programming
  14. Signed and Bit Operations
And, in further courses:
  1. How to crack software serial number keys
  2. Remove Nag Screen Reminders asking you to register
  3. Convert Trial Software to Fully Functional Software
  4. Extend 30-day Trial Period Software
  5. Learn Reverse Engineering and Assembly Language
  6. Protect your software by learning how software is being cracked
  7. How to Crack Software For Fun by solving CrackMe Challenges
  8. C/C++, delphi, VB, p-code, Assembly, C# programs covered
  9. Removing obfuscation, unpacking, patching, creating keygens, loaders
And of course, there's Eldad's venerable old book :

And then, there's xorpd - who also appears to be Israeli : ("You must do the exercises. You may say, 'I'm a fast learner and I can learn a lot by watching your lectures.' To this I would say, would you attempt to learn swimming by just watching lectures?"

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