Sunday, October 29, 2017

The Magic of Taek Joo Kim, Now Working for AMZN

Man, I love it! Omnibox timer - you can tell Chrome to remind you to get up and walk - and it'll literally "tell" you - it pronounces your message.

How does the man do it?

Handy Excel Hacks

Paste Special : ALT E S V
Also, Transpose can be very handy at times.
Add Multiple Rows
F4 for Absolute Reference - did you know that pressing F4 repeatedly will toggle through the various combos?

A treasure trove!

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Excel howto : Quickly ID a Column of Text Using a Perl Hack

Okay, that doesn't make sense. Here's what you want to do :


to turn to (you guessed it - for use in Pivot tables)


select all and pipe through (Yes, you see why you want Cygwin :)

perl -n -e 'BEGIN{%table=(); $count=0} chomp; unless( defined $table{$_} ){ $table{$_} = $count++; } print "$_," and print $table{$_} and print "\n";'

This will give you

So you can easily paste this back in by doing the smart import..

Here's a braindead way to show text in Excel pivot table values area :

Shame on Contextures Inc.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Keyboard Shortcuts for Google Chrome

Which imbecile came up with CTRL-D for "bookmark"? CTRL-D is for "duplicate" - every i knows that. Surely?

What if you need to change it? (to duplicate that is)

You open a new tab and, in the URL field, type :


Now, scroll to the bottom and click on "Get more extensions"

That takes you to the Chrome Web Store. In the search field, enter "keyboard shortcuts".

Then, pick the one by Mike Crittenden.

Install it and then, in the space next to the URL field in Chrome (on the right), you'll see the icon for this tool .. it has a 'Q' in the top-left corner..

Right-click on this guy and, in the drop-down menu, choose Options. How are you supposed to know this? Don't ask me :)

Now, you get to place where you can easily add new shortcuts. Nice work.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Wer ist das Genius?

Who is the genius behind this super blog that teaches you amazing stuff. He ain't no Jacob Vandenplas or Rachel Tatman (just kidding :) probably better ) but ... he's..

Armed with a 4.0 GPA in Computer Science from Napoli (Bachelors and Masters), he's now at :

Senior Data Scientist
Hive | Centrica Hive Limited
May 2017 – Present
Cambridge, United Kingdom
I work with a large team of data scientists across a number of projects. My responsibilities include:
- design of Machine Learning models to integrate into real-time products
- manage stakeholders communicating results and set expectations
- mentoring other data scientists

Congratulations mensch. Great stuff.

Sunday, October 08, 2017

Supercell (Clash of C) Nails It

We’ve found that the best quality work comes from small teams in which every single member is passionate about what they do. Often times when teams become bigger, processes, bureaucracy and even politics emerge, and the work just isn’t fun anymore. That’s why we wanted to create an organizational model made up of very small teams, or “cells” as we call them. Supercell is a collection of these cells. Each game comes from a cell, and they all operate extremely independently and have complete control over their own roadmap. Our organizational model is optimized for speed and passion, not for control.

Friday, October 06, 2017

How to Paste Image in Clipboard into (at) a Cell in Excel

Well "into" means "at" a particular cell.

Try it with just on Excel file open. You'll see that Excel always dumps the picture right at the top. What a pain? Thanks Satya for another dose of crappiness. Where would Mac be without something really crappy to compare to?

Anyway, the workaround is

Have a scratchpad Excel doc open.
Paste the image from clipboard into *that* scratchpad.
Right-click on the image in the scratchpad and choose "Copy"
Now, go back to *your* working Excel doc and select the cell you want to paste at.
Do Ctrl-V

Thursday, October 05, 2017

Excel Pivot Table Torture

Python pandas can do it, but, of course, M$ Excel can't. When will Redmond learn from open s?

You want values that are plain text, not numbers. What can you do?

The first order of business is to create an accompanying column of numbers - a unique number for each text item. That is, if your column has


Then, you want

A 0
A 0
B 1
D 2
E 3
F 4
A 0
C 5

perl -n -e 'BEGIN{%table=(); $count=0} chomp; unless( defined $table{$_} ){   $table{$_} = $count++; } print "$_," and print $table{$_} and print "\n";' 

(Meaning, copy that one column into a text editor - aka NEdit - in Cygwin, and then pipe through the above perl script :) (See why you need unix? :)

Then, you run into the other roadblock. You add this column to your existing Table, and the Pivot Tables simply don't see it. WT*? Luckily, "how to refresh pivot table options" with Google delivers - and works..

Tuesday, October 03, 2017

A Horizontal Bar Chart (Plot) with Seaborn (Python)

 Why? Coz Seaborn gives you something better looking by default :)

series1= starterDf['col_of_interest'].value_counts()

df_for_sns = series1.rename_axis('col_of_interest').reset_index(name='counts') #change counts if you w

import seaborn as sns
sns.set_style('white') # if you want..

sns.barplot( y='col_of_interest', x="counts", data=df_for_sns)
sns.despine( top=True, bottom=True , left=True, right=True )

Thanks to :