Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Croatian Genius Puts Real Power at Your Excel Fingertips



Now, in Excel, just do SHIFT+SCROLLWHEEL to pan/scroll horizontally. Works Super!
ALT+SCROLLWHEEL to fast-scroll vertically - similar to CTRL+SCROLLWHEEL in NEdit.

Hvala vam!!

Google searches that got nowhere :

excel keyboard shortcuts horizontall scrolling
excel keyboard shortcuts horizontall pan

the one that worked  -rresult #4

excel macro horizontal scroll

thank you for posting the solution link :

Stanislav Pitsul
Tomasz Truszczynski

What if you wanted to use CTRL-ALT-Wheel to move between worksheets? Wouldn't that be nice? Some clown has actually requested that on the github, and been rebuffed probably. Scouring the AHK world provides a workaround at a higher level - trap your bindkey and send the shortcut that the app already responds to (CTRL-PgUp) :

#IfWinActive ahk_class XLMAIN
   ^!WheelUp::Send ^{PgUp}
   ^!WheelDown::Send ^{PgDn}

Update - this is exactly why Croatia will never be Israel. Think about it - such a *heavy* solution. We want lite!! Get it? As you guessed, this worked for a few months till the idiots in Redmond did an upgrade. Screw the Croatian creation - it's crap!

What's the lite solution then? Autohotkey to the rescue. Did you even know about this? If you enable Scroll Lock, then the arrow keys in Excel no longer navigate cells but scroll the worksheet. Exactly! You just Lock, Send Arrow, Unlock and you're done!! This genius has the answer :

#IfWinActive ahk_class XLMAIN
 +WheelDown::SendInput {ScrollLock}{Right}{ScrollLock}
 +WheelUp::SendInput {ScrollLock}{Left}{ScrollLock}

Monday, November 04, 2019

Lessons Aus DHH - Der Ruby Mensch

That's right, David Heinemeier Hansson - creator of the Ruby on Rails framework that has created billions of dollars of economic value.

  1. Don't think you can accomplish something major (or work towards a major goal - something that requires deep work) in the 40 minutes between now and that meeting you have coming up. Rather - fill it with fillers - get through mail, etc..
  2. Learn from the best - that means hard work - as a software guy - what are the code examples everyone depends on? That's right - it's probably the standard library. DHH took apart the Ruby standard library to learn from it.
  3. Negative visualization - yep - imagining the worst case scenario and how you're going to deal with it will actually help you deal with anxiety proactively - because you've already prepared (note, not planned - you expect the best, but are prepared to handle the worst) to deal with the worst-case scenario.
  4. Identify and eliminate non-flow activities - these are your drains.
  5. Don't be afraid of being a beginner. Seek out teachers and ask questions, work hard, etc. Everything is difficult at the beginning.

Books :
  • William Irvine, Guide to the Good Life
  • Ken Beck, Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns
  • Alfie Kohn, Punished by Rewards