Saturday, October 31, 2015

One Line Lessons

My experience with learning resources like audio-books, or just books, which I keep mentioning to people, is that you only take away one or two sentences from each. But, those things are like minders by your side - helping you be more effective in your day to day decision making or execution than you would be otherwise. Finally, I'll start a formal compilation (triggered by self-awareness of how I was attempting to skim through Palo Alto Networks' cyber security call-to-action)

Princeton Reviw prep for the SAT : For reading comprehension, first, just read the first and last sentences of each para.
Steve Jobs, by Walter Jacobson : People don't k what they want until you s it to them. Only let A players on your team. Once A players see the B and C players are slacking off, it will drag them down. Rounded rectangles.
The Upside of Irrationality by Dan HairyEli : Human beings adapt very well - this is why you need a higher dose of something you like - like booze. So, if it's an activity you like (showering, watching TV, etc) make sure you stop so you DON'T adapt. If it's something you don't enjoy - like doing taxes, cleaning - make sure you STICK WITH IT so you DO adapt.
Succeed by Heidi Grant : For complex goals (starting a company, etc), think about the next step (forget the real motivation). For simple goals (cleaning your room) think about the why, the real reason you want to.
Liespotting by Pamela Meyer : A lie usually uses a long answer to a question that can be answered with a short sentence.
Ashok Goel (KBAI) : If knowledge is power, so is organization.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

We Love you Joe Wong!

My name is JW. But, to most people, I am Who?
Hu is actually my mother's maiden name, and the answer to my credit card security question.
I just want to reassure everyone that I am invited here tonight.
I grew up in China. Who didn't? And my childhood memories are ruined by my childhood.
Like all immigrants, I too want my son to be the President.
My son says, "Dad, why do I have to learn 2 languages?" I say, "Son, because, when you become President, you'll have to sign legislative policies in English, and talk to debt collectors in Chinese."
Obama was conducting 2 wars when he was awarded the Nobel Peace P. And he accepted it. You can't be more badass than that. The only way you could be more badass is if you took the Nobel P P money and gave it to the military.
I was born in the year of the Horse and that is why I am a naysayer.
America's #1, because we won the World Series every year.
I have a quick solution for global warming. I will switch from Fahrenheit to Celsius.
I believe open dialogue and unilateralism are too expensive. So, if elected, I will switch to text messaging. I will text our allies even to say Hi. And I will text our enemies when they are driving.

On Ellen :

Are you guys afraid of the economy? I'm not. I grew up young, you see. If I become poor again, I'll just feel young.

To become a citizen I had to answer some questions :

Who was Benjamin Franklin? Uhhh... the reason our convenience store gets robbed.
What is the 2nd amendment? Uhh... the reason our convenience store gets robbed.
What is Row vs Wade? Uhh...  2 ways of coming to the United States.

Anything iCanDo, You Can Do Better

Have to give these guys credit for sticking around so long - probably been 20 years..

Their recipe for displaying the contents of a text field :

proc saveFile { } {
set fn "saveFile"
global f

set myFile [tk_getSaveFile]

puts stdout [format "%s:myFile=<%s>" $fn $myFile]

set line [$f.t get 1.0 1.end]
for {set i 2} {[string length $line] > 0 } {incr i } {
puts stdout [format "line=<%s>" $line]
set line [$f.t get $i.0 $i.end]
} ;#end for loop
} ;#end saveFile 

Here's my tweak that's much more elegant (off the web of course) :

set nLines [$f.t count -lines 1.0 end]
for {set i 1} { $i <= $nLines } {incr i } {
set line [$f.t get $i.0 $i.end]
puts stdout [format "line : %s" $line]
} ;#end for loop
} ;#end saveFile

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Unity for All Mankind

Who are the geniuses behind Unity 3D? Seems, with my limited ken, an incredible piece of work.

Some people, somewhere, decided, wouldn't it be nice to do X, and wrote a proposal for it and got money and hired people and did it! Supermen.

Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Maker Faire SD

3D Printing is in - as it has been for 2+ years - at MF at least.

Astroprint is now applying the cloud to it - so you can print directly from your smartphone. Someone was talking about content being the next big thing in 3D. I've heard of ABS and PLA filament. Now, there seems to be PET. I saw a couple of prints that were metal - using a laser to do something to the powder - a rocket engine..

As usual, my to-do list grew bigger and my feeling of having wasted my life as well... Saw this young Asian guy talking about getting motors from China and hacking them to use for go-karts - with a DC brushless motor, you can drive them as hard as you want if you can get the heat out. He adds epoxy to motors, replaces ball bearings, you name it - and no formal degree yet. I've wasted my life.

There's San Diego Startup Weekend I'm looking at seriously :

DIY genetics hacking biology is getting bigger - at least in mindshare.. People know who Craig Venter is. Never mind no one wants to sleep with him.

Altium started off in Australia, moved to China and are now based out of Oregon. Wow. They have a new FREE PCB tool called Circuit Maker. I guess user experience is the thing. Not sure in what way it's deficient compared to the pro version.

Q's Snapdragon was in a few places spread out. Anyone figured out why the h Q's stock has been beaten down so much?

In addition to pitching Robot College in Riverside, Tim Lewis, who does Disney's Animatronics (or did anyway) was pitching the greatness of Garner Holt : . They have a massive machine shop he said after telling me animatronics is multi-disciplinary.