Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Taste of China

from the National Enquirer. Didn't believe it when I saw it waiting in line at the Kroger. So I went online and searched and, as everyone knows, you have to be careful what you search for. You may find it. Seems ridiculous that people can actually do such stuff, but, ... the white man came up with "asiatic" to describe things that didn't exist in his vocab before.

Here's something that may or may not be true :

Tigers, bears and monkeys perform in a degrading "entertainment". Bears wear dresses, balance on balls and not only ride bicycles but mount horses too.

The showpiece is a bear riding a bike on a high wire above a parade of tigers, monkeys and trumpet-playing bears.

And don't ask me why I find this one funny :

Although it is illegal, the zoo is quite open about its activities. In fact, it boasts of having 140 dead tigers in freezers ready for the plate.

Something about "boasts about having... " just cracks me up. I'm actually laughing about that as I type this.

I guess there are two Chinas - the one in China and the one made up of people outside China, who one hopes are decent. And we'll just have to wait for the China outside China to become more powerful than the China in China to do something.

Can you believe Badaling has 1300 tigers in one location? Phew - I'd think they'd start eating each other if there were that many.

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