Friday, May 02, 2008

A Fireside Chat

Incredible wit and pace that delivers a knockout punch. Here's a true leader. Ambition, mental toughness, priorities, all there. She started off talking about obstacles in her early life - why couldn't I have been born rich instead of just beautiful. Because if you're only beautiful, then you have to think about how to use it. And the thing about beauty is that it fades. Now, looking at her at 60, I don't know if she was beautiful as a young woman or not, but let's give her the benefit of doubt:)

Life is not fair. It just is.

Learn about culture. That helps working effectively.

Have goals. If you want a certain lifestyle, know what you're going to have to do to get it.

  • Mentors are important in helping you achieve your goals. 
  • Your mentor doesn't have to love you. 
  • It's important to be in a job with metrics - that way, when you meet expectations, you can expect a reward - promotion, raise, etc. Otherwise, disappointment awaits.

I am an introvert - INTJ. I had to learn to succeed in spite of that. Someone told me - this is the USofA. You can't be a black female and be an introvert.

I can't not read. My teacher gave me 100 books to read in the summer. I did that and more.

Recommended reading

  • Shifting
  • Power of Focus
  • The Alpha Male Syndrome
  • Blue Ocean Strategy

Inspired by the life of Bessie Coleman. Black girl born to sharecroppers in the south. Wants to be a figher pilot. Good luck. But, learns just enough French to move to Europe and train in Europe. Now!

If she had to do it over - she would still have gone into the military, but she would have gotten out earlier and gone into the stock market. (that part, I confess, did come across as shallow)

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