Sunday, December 27, 2009

Articulation - The Power of Communication

Why are social skills so important (coming from someone who wished he had started training much earlier :) ). Here's one angle to consider : The better you are with people, the easier you open up and talk about what's important to you. Smart people discuss ideas. Ideas are your real children. Have you thought about why you have ideas that you never talk about? Because you're afraid of having them mocked at. You want to protect your children. But, with good social skills, you can create a safe place for your ideas in minutes. I was surprised today to hear myself articulate how what I really want to be doing is building security systems and applications - how I want to be in surveillance and remote monitoring. That is the key to this country going green and cutting costs in healthcare and achieving energy independence. We can do it if we approach it the right way. We are spending way too much money having people watch our backs when they could be doing more useful work.

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