Saturday, January 26, 2013

Dr. Russel Blaylock 7 Things to Get Alzheimer's Dementia

Use MSG, Aspartame, Soy Milk, yeast extracts,

Prefer goat's milk over cow's milk.

You get Parkinson's from too much inflammation in the brain. Too much aerobic exercise is a risk factor! Really Dr. B!

Think about medicine from big Pharma's pt of view : cure is better than prevention - why give people a way to prevent disease when you can make billions from curing. Why cure disease when you can treat symptoms and keep harvesting off the diseased folk when they'll gladly pay to not feel pain, though they might be willing to cure the root cause of the pain, and in most cases, the root cause of the origin of the disease?

BTW, I think Dr. B is as insidious as big Pharma - he'll tell you what you need to know if you give him a few pennies a day by subscribing to his newsletter...

Bypass the ridiculous video by going straight here :

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