Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Maker Faire SD

3D Printing is in - as it has been for 2+ years - at MF at least.

Astroprint is now applying the cloud to it - so you can print directly from your smartphone. Someone was talking about content being the next big thing in 3D. I've heard of ABS and PLA filament. Now, there seems to be PET. I saw a couple of prints that were metal - using a laser to do something to the powder - a rocket engine..

As usual, my to-do list grew bigger and my feeling of having wasted my life as well... Saw this young Asian guy talking about getting motors from China and hacking them to use for go-karts - with a DC brushless motor, you can drive them as hard as you want if you can get the heat out. He adds epoxy to motors, replaces ball bearings, you name it - and no formal degree yet. I've wasted my life.

There's San Diego Startup Weekend I'm looking at seriously : http://www.up.co/communities/usa/san-diego/startup-weekend/6504

DIY genetics hacking biology is getting bigger - at least in mindshare.. People know who Craig Venter is. Never mind no one wants to sleep with him. wetlab.org.

Altium started off in Australia, moved to China and are now based out of Oregon. Wow. They have a new FREE PCB tool called Circuit Maker. I guess user experience is the thing. Not sure in what way it's deficient compared to the pro version.

Q's Snapdragon was in a few places spread out. Anyone figured out why the h Q's stock has been beaten down so much?

In addition to pitching Robot College in Riverside, Tim Lewis, who does Disney's Animatronics (or did anyway) was pitching the greatness of Garner Holt : http://www.ghpproducts.com/animatronicdemos.php . They have a massive machine shop he said after telling me animatronics is multi-disciplinary.

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