Sunday, August 04, 2019

Three Simple Enhancements to a Better AirBnB for All

Years and years and still not there... I want to find a place with a private bathroom!!

When will they get it? Far as I know, there is still no filter that you can use to narrow down your search for this.

Another thing they just don't get:

If you host a person and that person subsequently submits a request to book, that person should automatically lose the right to submit a review for that stay - else, if you come up with an excuse to deny that person, he/she may take it the wrong way and retaliate in her/his review!

Hosts need to be able to prevent people from submitting a request to book a new stay while they're in the middle of an existing stay.

Hosts need to be able to give guests options prior to booking Eg. Add a bathrobe? [y/N] (+$12 for entire stay)

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