Tuesday, December 10, 2019

How to Tell Your Story - Ethan Rasiel

From the author of "The McKinsey Way" :

How to tell your story
1) Articulate the problem you are solving
2) Focus on benefits, not speeds and feeds
3) Minimize jargon and calibrate to a mainstream audience
4) Have a point of view — not just a product
5) Know your competition and be very different
6) Have a firepole pitch

What is PR : It's not the ads - it's a way to influence a target audience - to take action - like go to your website - customers, employees, government policy makers - sounds like advertising, but it's not - ads - whether in print or TV - are what you're usually trying to flip through - PR is getting into the editorial content - working with editors and reporters, etc.

FYI, Spin City is a whole show about a PR team. 

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