Saturday, February 01, 2020

Oh Really? How, If Drones are Supposed to Be Illegal in India?

Nitakal Marimadiah Pratap started tinkering with drones when he was only 14 years old, and two years later at 16, he had managed to develop a fully functioning drone. Even though it could fly and capture only a few images, it was no less than an achievement for the young boy, who was inspired by the might of the eagle soaring in the sky and Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, India’s top scientist and former president.

Over the course of the next few years, Pratap built 600 drones all by himself. He has so far completed six major projects that includes Telegraphy in Border Security, Drones in Traffic Management, UAVs in rescuing humans and Auto piloted drones and Cryptography in Drone Networking. Pratap’s drones are saving the lives of tribals in Africa by helping deliver medical support in a short period of time.

Invited to 87 countries.. wow.. and just a B.Sc. from JSS College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mysore.

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