Saturday, March 28, 2020

The Idiots of Florida - What Can One Do?

It's time to call in the Israelis, that's what.

The python has taken over. They're saying they've completely eliminated foxes and rabits. They're finding  entire deer inside some of the pythons they capture.

Question - you're saying 98% of most of the native wildlife is gone. What did you say when that number was 50%?

What would I do? I'd capture a female and put some kind of gadget or paint on it - radioactive maybe - that lets you track it - spray on some pheromones too - and hope that it finds some males.


At the very least, why not get Hollywood to make a movie on this - with an apocalyptic theme.

And the game industry too, please.

If they're very hard to find - try solving that problem first - offer a reward, not for capture, but for finding a way to detect!


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