Sunday, July 24, 2022

The God of Blogging : Chris Garrett

OMG! I've been doing this twenty years and, reading his masterpiece, I feel like a noob.

Chris Garrett - ProBlogger

I'm reminded of what Charles Townes said about Ted Maiman's paper on the laser : "the most important per word of any of the wonderful papers" that Nature had published in it's 100+ years.

  1. Be granular - don't spread a post over multiple subjects!
  2. Be consistent in blogging frequency.
  3. Keep paragraphs short. Blog readers have short attention spans😊
  4. What should you blog about? Something that the big guns aren't blogging about. In short, don't take on Gizmodo😊
  5. You're better off with five blogs addressing five topics than with a single all-in-one blog
  6. Quoting someone? Put the quote within a box and see your pageviews take off 😊

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