Saturday, April 01, 2023

Fixing the Crappy HTML Blogger Maintains - Thank You FreeFormatter!

You enter stuff into your blog in the Compose view and then, you want to add a tooltip, so you switch to the HTML view. Yuck! That's right, it's a mess.

How can you get $10,000 for free? Easy, buy a Lexus, let it get stolen and then buy it back when the insurance company auctions it. From Quora : 

This actually happened to my father. His Lexus was stolen right out from his carport. Not sure if he left the keys in it or how it got taken. He reported it as stolen to the police and turned it in to the insurance company. After two weeks or so when the car never turned up the insurance paid him for the car. Another week goes by and he gets a call from the police saying they had found his car parked in two towns over in the middle of town. There was not one scratch on it and not a lot of miles put on it either. So now the insurance owns the car and they put it up for auction. My dad goes to the auction and bids on his car to get it back. He won the bid with $10,000 to spare. So he drove home in his car with an extra $10,000 in his pocket.

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