Sunday, September 07, 2008

Live Longer with Pancreatic Cancer

This is a true "time-saver" post - even though it's not tech-savvy. Heard today about someone who was given 6 months to live with pancreatic cancer and lived about seven years. He did it by taking hot baths every day. If one didn't ease the pain, he would take another one. Apparently, it worked like an artificial fever and stimulated his immune system. He got the idea from a time when he felt the flu coming and fell asleep - next to the fire. Next morning, he was fine - no flu - and he put two and two together. 

Long life!

Celebrities who succumbed to pancreatic cancer : 

Alex Trebek, Steve Jobs, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Aretha Franklin, John Hurt, Luciano Pavarotti, Sharon Jones, Alan Rickman, Paul Kalanithi

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