Sunday, November 02, 2008

How Do You Know If You Have It?

You're happy for who you are
You take on challenges
You accept mistakes and learn from them
You don't need to prove yourself to others
You don't feel happy when others fail

How to get it:

See the beauty in yourself
Learn to let go
Learn to stop comparing
Teach your inner voice (see - the design of the system - based off of one molecule that contains all the required information means that there are parts of the system that serve a greater purpose or something bigger than the individuals. That's what leads to the different centres of the brain. In the case of sociopaths and psychopaths, some of these vital neuro-centres have been suppressed during the growth-phase of the brain by the environment. No animal can commit suicide but man. That alone marks man out as a non-animal - notwithstanding the anatomical similarities with other life-forms - we just happen to use the same modules)

Know your strengths
Acknowledge areas for improvement
Don't take it personally. Avoid negative people and people with poor self-esteem.
Cultivate a logical view of things.
Control the controllable
Set goals (what I've learned personally over the last week of an intense work-life is that the brain's structure enables it to find paths from problems to solutions. A problem and a solution are just two points on a graph. The power of the neural networks of the brain enable the subconscious to chug away and find a route from the problem to the solution. For that to work, you must clearly visualize both the problem and the solution. Also, the path must exist - thus, in the case (my case) of an electronic-circuit problem, the elements of the problem and the solution - components and their characteristics need to be internalized - equations are useless at this point. Visualizations are very valuable here. When you have the components internalized and the solution does exist, as Einstein said, a problem cannot be solved at the level of consciousness in which it occurred - so you must sleep over the problem. That's why physicists wake up in the middle of the night and write down their new theories. Charles Townes, once he became a dad, used to wake up early so he could get ready before the kids started making a racket. The solution to the maser problem occurred to him one such early morning - because his brain had been chugging away all night - without his knowing it of course. Your own experience will be no different. That is what the brain does - and that is why the human species has evolved so much. Why not other animals? Good question. I really wish I could go back in time as an observer and see things being done for the first time. My guess is that none of the great things happened until people had the time to sit and think - well into the stone age or the bronze age - the first time someone prayed, or described his symptoms to someone else, or hoarded seeds and planted them, or celebrated an anniversary, or buried someone. Self-esteem is that internal entity that refines the human genome. Self-esteem serves the bigger cause - of perfecting the human race. If you have poor SE, your internal regulator cut you out of the flow. So find a way to defeat it)

If you need to adjust, do so.

Never apologize for a job well done!
Don't be a perfectionist.
Don't procrastinate!

SE is about attitude. Hence, your attitude determines your altitude!

Accept and ack compliments
Trust your instincts.

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