Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Book Reviews

Managed to get through a couple during this 2 week vacation. The best part of the vacation was the early morning walk through the Theosophical society in Adyar - all the way to the beach.

Now, Discover your Strengths - Cunningham and someone else. Okay book. Might pick up one or two things. You want to focus on using and developing your strengths and find ways to manage around your weaknesses. Do not dwell on your weaknesses. Analysts are good at finding patterns in data.

How to Work a Room - Susan Roane - good tips - read one newspaper a day - there's nothing small about small talk - it's essential. Be approachable. Practise host behaviour instead of guest behaviour. Common sense + kindness = manners. Use business cards only after a rapport has been established. To join a conversation, if it's two people, use caution - they might want privacy. If it's more, they'll probably be inclusive - get to the edge and give facial feedback and see if they open up to you, etc.

Making Work Work - Julie Morgenstern - still finishing this one - but, some good points - multitasking doesn't work - it takes 20 minutes to get back to the level of concentration needed - use bread-crumb trails to help you get back faster.

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