Sunday, October 06, 2013

Shame on You Thomas Sterner

It is not that the story can't be made short. It is that the making it short takes long. (Anon)

Shame on Thomas M. Sterner. Who the hell convinced this bum that he can write? What he can do is fill a page with words. Much better to be honest like John Maxwell "Think On These Things" - a lady once told he she loved that book because the chapters were so short. How did he get the idea to make the chapters so short? Lady, that was my first book. I didn't have anything more to write.

So, what should Thomas Sterner do? Apologize to humanity for wasting time. Life is so precious.

On his website, publish a page saying what the book contains :

Patience is needed to develop discipline. Discipline is needed to develop patience.
Work consciously on loving the process; detach yourself from the the outcome - the product.
When taking on a project, Simplify, chop into Small pieces, keep tasks Short, try to go Slow - deliberately.
Practise Do, Observe, Correct.
Learn from children, and set a good example for them.

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