Monday, March 10, 2014

Felix Dennis Slams Kennedy

This is typically muddled thinking from one of the most overrated presidents in US history. A good-looker, but a bad egg.

Commenting on "Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate."

Lessons from Dennix :

  1. Never make your finance director or CFO the MD or president of anything!
  2. Never go on a vacation when a deal is going down.
  3. When you change accounting systems (or accountants, for that matter), have the numbers checked over and over again. I'll eat my hat if errors are not discovered in the next iteration.
  4. Never personally underwrite business loans for your company unless you absolutely, positively, are forced to. Even then, set limits in the agreement so that, as the loan figure is reduced over time, you are released from your undertakings commensurately. For people who do what I do - ensure you negotiate terms for your sign-on bonus repayment for early departure. I've learnt this one the hard way. After six months, it should be prorated!
  5. Listen to people who are good with money and always invest in property with a good address - providing you can pay cash for it and will not need to sell it for a few years.
All there in "How to Get Rich" - which I found in 50 Prosperity Classics - I remember "wealth improved his sex life because money is power and power is an aphrodisiac"

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