Friday, March 21, 2014

Guess Who : An Inspiration to Us All

If he can do it, you can do it.

If Chelsea can win the E. Cup, Bayern can win it.

So, here's the deal - bloke moves with some buddies from a has-been smartphone shop to an EDA company and drifts. Meanwhile, wife's a nurse raking it in; so, why work, why not chill out? As in, why not move to IOS programming? I love that!

Next thing you know, in 3 months he's so good, he's gotten a gig at a local outfit in the Prairie.

Impresses there, and, voila, dream job at a neighbour of Twitter. Two of the people that started the group he's in moved on, so he's now the main main. Doing what he loves too.. If he has a bad day at work, he thinks about Twitters 70k sign on bonus!

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