Saturday, January 16, 2016

To Do's from One Session with the WSJ, Economist and Time

Lithium is hot. All other commodities tanking, but, if you can find a way to buy Li futures, go for it!

And... maybe not - I don't get it - the mag showed a hockey stick, but take a look at LIT and go figure.. :(


Just had to go online and find some of the transcripts Michael Spicer cooked up - you know - Bill/Blair phone calls..


El Chapo has a fleet of submarines and sent his boys to Alemania to study the craft of tunnel building. Really? What makes the Germans so good at tunnels? Why couldn't he send them to Spain to learn - where they'd already speak the lingo? The numbers make you wonder - this guy has caused the deaths of 70k people. Really? Is he related to you know who?


Get "Money and Banking" from The Great Courses (done - req. placed)


Research SQM and CITIC - something related to rare metals? Anyways, the trail goes cold when you pull up the charts - why would anyone want these? They've all tanked..

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