Sunday, January 26, 2020

Ron Trite : Think Do Say

That's actually Ron Tite of Church + State - Advertising copy genius + standup comedian.

Go in for Brand Belief over vision/mission.
Be clear about what you think - why your organization is at the core. It takes time to agree on this. You can't do it in one meeting.
Once you have this, align your action and message to be consistent.
Eg. REI believes people should pursue a healthy outdoor lifestyle. Do : close stores on Black Friday so people can chill out outside. Say : we're closed - have a blast outside.

The first step to innovation is improving the efficiency of what you already do. There are things that you do as an individual that can be done far more efficiently than you do them right now. Remember Management by Reply-All? Many of you are trying to inspire your teams by writing Outlook novellas and then, surprise, there's no time at the end of the day to try something new. Get efficient. Then start exploring.

Getting to the one brilliant idea requires generating five crappy ideas and talking about the bad ones out loud. Crappy ideas have to be poked and prodded and improved and reshaped and crumpled up and pulled apart so that the brilliant ideas emerge.

Refs : Scott McKain Iconic : How Organizations and Leaders Attain, Sustain, and Regain the Ultimate Level of Distinction

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