Sunday, February 05, 2017

Alexa, Tell Me a Political Joke - See How Big Their Database Is

People have asked if I'm going to run for president, but I think I'm better suited for speaker of the house. (3x, 2x in succession)

What breakfasts do politicians like? Vote-meal.

How did the politician (P) get over his stage fright? Someone gave him a vote of confidence. (5x, 3x in succession - debug please!)

Which tree should be president of the forest? Well, the evergreen won the poplar vote. (2x)

Where does the president of all princesses live? In the Snow White House. (2x)

Why do P's want you to vote first thing in the morning? The early bird gets the terms. (3x)

Why did the party-switching chicken cross the road? To vote for the other side! (2x)

-- Lame .. that they only have 7. How hard can it be to add more? Idiots!

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