Sunday, August 11, 2013

Synthesizing a Problem - Using the Wisdom of Dana Clarke

For the USB-PD transceiver I'm going to be working on, we can be sure we'll get at least one customer return from the field some day.

Is it possible to synthesize such a customer problem through a gedanken experiement it, think of what could possibly create a problem for the customer and have all the solutions available. A team that could do this will certainly be on track to 100% market share for the first year - sort of like FDTI.

Dana used to have a "Resources" section on his web. Gone now, but, I'm getting the TRIZ book for sure. Can't hurt to have that stuff down in my new job :)

Yikes - he recommends a book - 40 Principles : TRIZ Keys to Innovation
Amazon used : $38. : $17!! WT*? I checked the ISBN numbers - the same *ing book!

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