Saturday, January 17, 2015

Arnold's Slip in "The Secret"

The last chapter of Arnold's Total Recall is called "The Secret"

... in my last hectic months as governor, Maria and I went to see a marriage counselor. We talked about the issues a lot of couples deal with in middle age - the fact that our kids were growing up and soon be on their own, etc. But when she made the appointment for the very day that I left office and became a private citizen, I sensed that this time was different...

Then, after the admission, he says :

Maria had asked me before if Joseph was my son. I denied it because I didn't know he was my son.

Really? What should he be putting in the book?

She asked him if J was his son? If J was his son????!!! He said no. What???
And he thought he wasn't lying because he didn't know J was his son???
So, what's missing?
Did she ask him if he had had sex with Mildred? Did she ask him that? What was his answer - there was no way he could not know the answer to that.

Please put that in the book.

So, what happened in the end, what's the lesson for the Kennedy family? A : There is such a thing as class - just because a man works hard and "makes it" doesn't mean he's going to conduct himself like a "well bred" citizen. You just can't tell about people, but you need to be especially careful to consider what sort of people a person has hung out with on his route to "making it." In A's case, he used to work out at the gym during the day, also work as a trainer, and, in the evening, go brawl in the beergartens and chase girls. What are the odds that he would have affairs after marrying into a quality family like the Shrivers? He's just not a classy-enough guy despite the work-ethic and the results..

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