Thursday, January 22, 2015

Google Spares Apple's Blushes on iPad

Sure, Apple markets "It Just Works" - but their ads don't tell you which part doesn't work.

Nuts! I sometimes wonder if Apple builds its products a certain way to deliberately insult geeks. Think about how long it took them to get Skype on iPhones.

Most recent one : someone's sent me a zip file with a bunch of PPTs. No problem on the PC. How about the iPad - drives you crazy. First, Safari just gives up - doesn't have a clue what to do.

Then, installs Chrome - and that guy says "Open In" - which is a by vague - "Open with" would work better. Needs to go on the App Store again and now find an unzipping utility - iZip - which is ad heavy :( But, it works. I can get on the treadmill and go through Eric Swanson's excellent commentary on the IC industry. Ye all must use the ITRS!

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