Thursday, January 29, 2015

How to Generate Additional Income with Bovada

Substitute the name of your favorite betting site.
  1. Pick a popular event - one that will be contested by well-known contenders and invite betting from a large population. (Why? well-known contenders : the models used to predict their chances are mature and reliable. Large population : the analysis is more rigorous - very little is left to chance. You have the math working for you)
  2. Choose an amount to bet - in such cases, $10 will return about $1.50. Don't be greedy :) You want to be able to forget the ones that don't work out.
  3. Bet
If all goes well, this strategy can easily return $5 per week. Can you use that? I bought a Win 7 laptop that I'm using to type this for $220. Make your own decision.

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